Why Don't You Change Your Marketing?
How to prevent change...
We know that in times of crisis people cling to the most familiar.
But doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is said to be akin to madness.
So what’s stopping you making changes to the way your law firm does its marketing?
Limited Vision?
Many people are limiting their vision because they see the condition of themarket, the economy and legal reform as insurmountable. In other words, “I can’t change the system.”
Always Adapting?
There’s plenty of advice telling you what to do and how to be successful.
But what you find is that most of it says you have to do it within the structures and rules that already exist.
This just serves to retain the status quo.
Thinking about Yourself?
The more that you think about yourself the more you become pre-occupied.
No matter how much you change yourself you can’t change anything without the structure changing with you.
Being realistic?
Phrases such as “that’s just the way it is” perpetuate the structure you have.
You may be called naive or unrealistic.
These are phrases to dismiss what you want to do.
Too Rational?
It’s easy for those who profit to defend the past. And it’s easy to say that you can only work and make changes if you do so from “within the system.”
Rationalising your actions like this means that only limited changes will be “allowed” to happen.
Whether employed deliberately or not, these mechanisms are designed to prevent change.
And if change is what you want to grow your law firm, dismantling these mechanisms is important.
You must also avoid replacing them with similar barriers to change.
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