Showing posts with label marketing for lawyers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marketing for lawyers. Show all posts

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Why Reviews Mean Trusts for Law Firms and Solicitors

This survey echoes what I have been telling clients for years... Reviews are extremely important. They provide social proof that a company is good, honest and trustworthy. They are so useful because one of the easiest ways of selling is to say, "we have hundreds of clients that have written about what a great job we did for them." What a great thing to be able to say to the dithering prospect! This proof answers the question, "why should I choose you and pay your rates?" And before you say you don't have time to collect hundreds of testimonials and get a review from every single client think again. Because this firm in Chipping Sodbury has done it and is under the same time pressure as every other firm. And this firm has a unique way of doing it... The point is that they ASK, even before working with a client... They simply say "our clients are happy to give us a testimonial when we have done good work, will you be happy to give us one at the end of our work for you?" So maybe you could spare 1 minute to send an email to your clients asking for a testimonial? Ask them the three magic questions. What were you looking for by working with us? What was the experience like? What would you say to others considering working with us? If you can get some factual answers like, "We wanted to reduce our inheritance tax liability by 50,000 pounds" then it's great. If you only have "nice people to work with" testimonials that's not as great, but can be effective if you can get people to rate you 5 stars on Google. (More about that below). If I only had one tool to sell it would be a box of testimonials or hundreds of videos of people saying I am wonderful and I helped them make 100,000 pounds. (Well I do have an email one of those here) Being known as the best because that's how people see you moves you a long way toward becoming a successful brand. In fact, claiming to be 100% The Best Solicitors is possible if you have proof. Let me ask you, "Who would you rather go to? A brain surgeon with 100% success rate or one with 85% success rate?" A law firm with a 95% success rate or one with an 80% success rate(see this) So I apologise for the firms already doing this stuff. (I hope you don't mind me reminding you to continue your great work). And to other firms I ask that you spend just a few minutes a week getting reviews and testimonials. *** This is my last newsletter before the summer holidays. I know I haven't been in touch much over the last few months. But I have been really busy setting up a network of designers to produce videos, email newsletters, logos etc. I hope you have a wonderful summer with your family and I'll come back raring to go again in September when I'll also be offering a review monitoring service, text marketing services, and a whole host of marketing tools. The reason for this is that I realise most firms want a done-for-you service. So I've committed to make this happen for a handful of success minded firms. More details come September. Thank you for sticking with me so far. Boyd ************************************************************* Here's an unscripted video I did about Google Plus and your listing and reviews...don't have to watch all 10 mins...just first 4 will give you the info you need. And here's a reminder about why getting reviews that are good is valuable. I hope no-one has left you a bad review online. But if you have online reviews there's a good chance at least one of them is bad and possibly unfair. (Although this restaurant owner in Australia has successfully sued for a review) Reviews do two things. Firstly they help your rankings. Secondly, they help people decide to click on your website link. Or not. It would be great if your clients just decided all by themselves to write outstanding positive reviews about your business. It would also be great if money grew on trees. You’re going to have to ask your clients to give you positive reviews (unless you believe in the tooth-fairy.) So here’s some things you’ll want to bear in mind. Firstly, what reviews do you want? (I’d suggest Google reviews but there are other review websites.) Secondly, have you got a simple process that allows all your employees to strike whilst the iron is hot…e.g. when your client is smiling about your work? Thirdly, do employees understand that more reviews that are positive means more business means more money and success for them and the firm? Fourthly, getting reviews won’t be really easy at first. You’ll have to adapt your strategy. But it’s a major factor in managing your online reputation so it is worth doing. There may be reviews about your already on the internet. It might be worth Googling your company name plus the word review. You might find fake reviews, negative reviews, positive reviews or no reviews. Whatever your thoughts are about reviews, you’ll surely realise that they are important factors in helping people decide where to spend their money. Here's a good article from a solicitor Yair Cohen about fake reviews... And here's a quick video about getting more reviews on Google.


Friday, 3 September 2010

Professional Indemnity Insurance Solicitors And Life Changes

I know that indemnity insurance costs have case you
didn't see it there's a new insurer on the market and the Law
Society have produced a guide to the subject...

One member of this newsletter has used Connect2Law
to successfully get P I Insurance. Might be another route for you?

Obviously insurance is a major issue for you. But what are major
issues for your clients?

Because major life changes can help you to market..

Things like;marriage, divorce, kids, buying a house,
retirement, selling a business etc.

Most people are going through these at any one time.

And they don't know that there are legal consequences.

So there's the opportunity to enter their "theatre of the mind".

This means that you enter the conversation that is
already going on in their heads.

It's much easier than butting in where you are not welcome

Just make sure it's a laser targeted headline or
selling phrase you use when you engage them
by email, on the phone or by letter.

It still amazes me that solicitors don't make an offer for a new Will
with conveyancing EVERY TIME. Perhaps you might wait a few weeks/months
to sell the Will because a new house takes up most of
someone's brain for a while.

But plant the seed and then nurture it with a marketing sequence
over a few months and I bet
you'll get their Will sorted.

And if you find this difficult to systemise
why not automate the whole process?

A friendly letter/email and sms text twice a year
highlighting legal solutions to major life changes
would cost pennies but it's a nice reminder
and your clients will thank you for it.

If a garage can send an sms about an MOT
and a dentist can send a reminder about a check-up
couldn't you do the same twice a year about a
legal check up?

The more you help your clients the more they will
trust and like you. And the more they will buy.

And the principle applies to commercial clients
as well as private clients. The more you know about
their business the more you can provide solutions.

But if you don't ask regularly you will never know.

PS remember people buy when they want to buy, not when
you want to sell. That's why you have to be in constant
contact efficiently, in a valuable way, and systematically.
Ask me how if you want to! Visit Solicitor Marketing


Friday, 27 August 2010

Turn Negatives Into Your Positives For Solicitor Marketing

I was away for five weeks and
I only managed to get stung by a jellyfish once.

Now I have a free souvenir of my time in France.

I like to turn negatives into positives. It works well
away from the beach too.

Here's your new scenario....

It uses the law of Compare and Contrast.

It goes like this...a prospect has picked you out
of Google Local (he's searched conveyancing in Bristol)

"Hello just checking on Conveyancing Mr Smith, I've been
recommended to use Countrywide Lawyers by my Estate Agent
but I wanted another option. Could you tell me what you do.?"

"Sure, but first let me send you this link to the Countrywide reviews...

And here's a link to our videos.....

And by the way....we're independent of the estate agent
which means we work Exclusively FOR you."

Now let me tell you 3 things about us which make us unique...."

Do your staff answer the phone like this?


To get someone to buy your conveyancing team you only have
to do the following;

Get someone to like you.
Be positive. Be friendly. Be Enthusiastic.

Get them to trust you.
Give them overwhelming proof, video, audio, written testimonials.

Help them understand what they'll get.
Explain clearly, give them guides and videos. Make
your service understandable.

Ensure they know it's a fair price.
Tell them everything you do for them, don't leave
anything out, even if everyone else does it, you've
got to tell 'em because they don't know.

Remember these are the reasons that people buy.

I like the seller

I understand what I am buying

I perceive a difference with this company

I believe the seller

I have confidence in him

I trust him

I feel comfortable

The price seems fair

I perceive this product will work for me.

I believe this sales person wants to help me so he can build his business.

Work your script around making someone feel great
about these things and you'll convert 50% more leads.


Tuesday, 17 August 2010

How can Law Firms Come Up With New Ideas?

New ideas are a great way to compete.

New ideas are not about money. They are about innovation. And no-one has the patent on innovation.

Most of the business concepts we have are handed down.This means we are limited in our ideas by tradition.

But anyone can create a new world. It’s all in your imagination.

Let’s imagine you are going to be making a presentation about handling a large University property account.

You believe that you will have a good chance of winning the business if you really know what the client is thinking so that you can handle any objections. So you decide to use a prop that ensures the buyers WILL tell you what they are thinking.

You give the panel gavels that they can bang down whenever they have an objection or question.

You say to them, “You be the judge, if you have an objection or question, bang the gavel!”

* You get a clear signal that you have to communicate better or more or prove what you are saying.
* The audience don’t feel embarrassed about asking.
* They get a clear understanding and banish their doubts.
* They enjoy the process.
* They buy.

You can probably think of a hundred different analogies you can use in your law firm like this.

You don’t have to use all the ideas, (pick the best,) but the more you have, the better those you choose to implement.

Here's an example.

Imagine if all estate agents in your town would give a free will to all buyers and sellers written by your firm.

This free will is offered when the buyer/seller gets a conveyancing quote from you.

It’s promoted in every advert that the estate agent places and in every communication with buyers/sellers.

The solicitor gets more conveyancing, gets a relationship with the buyer/seller, sells more family law services via a marketing sequence and gets publicity paid for by the estate agent.

The Estate Agent gives extra value to potential clients.

All the solicitor does is provide the marketing materials to the estate agent. (Got to do some work you know).

Remember your imagination needs nourishment. Stand back once in a while from your day to day work.

Here’s another way to come up with ideas.

Check out this page

Do you know Einstein imagined what it would feel like to be a light particle travelling through space? He came up with the theory of relativity based on his feelings and imagination.

PS, I’ve mentioned it before. Michael Michalko’s Book “Thinkertoys”
is a book that helps feed the imagination.
If you have children or an enquiring mind you will love iit.


Monday, 9 August 2010

Niches for Solicitors - Can you exploit yours?

It's always great to see a law firm
targeting a niche and understanding
that the more you give the more you get.

Take a look at this lawyer in the US.

He focuses on care home negligence.

One of the specialities he has is
bed sore claims.

This web site is a fantastically detailed resource
for anyone that wants to know about bedsores.

Who are you going to use to make your
claim if you have a relative that has suffered
from bedsores?

Someone that knows their stuff or an amateur?

If I were a civil litigation solicitor or personal
injury solicitor I'd be tempted to register and do the same with a UK

And I'd be looking at niches you can exploit because
if you have two clients of any one kind, i.e. charities,
schools, Supremely affluents etc then you
can create your own legitimate niche.

As Shaw Taylor (Police 5) said..

"Keep 'em peeled".


Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Solicitors market to the theatre of the mind...

I love it when someone ACTS.

Not as in the thespian way, but in the
genius way.

Remember I talked about I-Sold (Tesco)
using handwritten postcards to target
house sellers?

(It's here)

One of the Great Legal Members
didn't do what I suggested (try the same
for conveyancing) but did do an alternative.

He's selling Wills by recognising that the
house seller is having a major life-change
and it's a good time to get a new/updated will.

Do you systematically market to people undergoing
major life changes?
Things like;marriage, divorce, kids, buying a house,
retirement, selling a business etc.

Most people are going through these at any one time.

So there's the opportunity to enter their "theatre of the mind".

This means that you enter the conversation that is
already going on in their heads.

It's much easier than butting in where you are not welcome.
Just make sure it's a laser targeted headline or
selling phrase you use when you engage them
by email on the phone.

It still amazes me that solicitors don't bundle a Will
with conveyancing EVERY TIME.

But maybe you do?


Friday, 30 July 2010

Useful Tools for Solicitors to Market and Sell With

Here are a couple of really practical
tools which can be useful on a day to day basis.

You can plug in any website URL
address and it transforms the website
into a PDF.

How cool is that?

Great for times when you want a hard
copy of a website to read on a train,
in bed (sadly) or on a plane. (Remember
you need to prepare to sell).

Some people even download all my website
and read it offline to find out how to do things or
come up with new ideas.

Another great tool is
as it allows you to produce screen casts
esily and for free. It's great for producing
You Tube videos which you can then embed
on your website.

Video is a great way for people
to understand what it is you solve.

Check out
who use video to get them to the top
of the search engines and to help clients
see and hear what they do.

An alternative way of creating screencasts is

If you want to work with things
which make your life easier here's a
good resource where you can find information.

There's a list of the top 100 tools.

I'd focus on the video stuff myself.

Here's how and why

It'll work to get you new clients.

Hope it helps.


Sunday, 25 July 2010

Be Your Own Solicitor Firm Or Law Firm Marketing Consultant

One of my members went through my website and found
47 things he could do to improve his business.

Which is why one of the first things I teach lawyers
is to be their own consultant and give as
much as I can so that you can do this

You see hiring in a consultant to help with marketing can be

Because not all of them are value for money.

So why pay someone when all you have to do
is put on a fresh pair of eyes and see your law firm as a
prospective client?

Sounds common sense.

But as Oscar Wilde said, “the trouble with
common sense is that it is not that common.”

But here are some easy things you can do that will
help you identify and make changes for the better.

* Go through my website
* Do an audit on your firm by downloading this and using it
* Ask all your clients how you can improve
* Ask all your staff how you can improve
* Swipe the best ideas from companies you like dealing with
* Make a general enquiry by email to 10 law firms in your area and compare responses and follow up.

You'll probably get 100 ideas.

Pick those that are best.

And are free.

Implement them and measure the results.


Monday, 19 July 2010

Solicitors and Lawyers Use Compare and Contrast To Sell

Here's your new scenario....

It uses the law of Compare and Contrast.

It goes like this...a prospect has picked you out
of Google Local (he's searched conveyancing in Bristol)

"Hello just checking on Conveyancing Mr Smith, I've been
recommended to use Countrywide Lawyers by my Estate Agent
but I wanted another option. Could you tell me what you do.?"

"Sure, but first let me send you this link to the Countrywide reviews...

And here's a link to our videos.....

And by the way....we're independent of the estate agent
which means we work Exclusively FOR you."

Now let me tell you 3 things about us which make us unique...."

Do your staff answer the phone like this?


To get someone to buy your conveyancing team you only have
to do the following;

Get someone to like you.
Be positive. Be friendly. Be Enthusiastic.

Get them to trust you.
Give them overwhelming proof, video, audio, written testimonials.

Help them understand what they'll get.
Explain clearly, give them guides and videos. Make
your service understandable.

Ensure they know it's a fair price.
Tell them everything you do for them, don't leave
anything out, even if everyone else does it, you've
got to tell 'em because they don't know.

Remember these are the reasons that people buy.

I like the seller

I understand what I am buying

I perceive a difference with this company

I believe the seller

I have confidence in him

I trust him

I feel comfortable

The price seems fair

I perceive this product will work for me.

I believe this sales person wants to help me so he can build his business.

Work your script around making someone feel great
about these things and you'll convert 50% more leads.


Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Legal Marketing Partnerships with Schools

I met up with a CEO of a law firm
a couple of weeks ago
and we discussed partnerships to get more

I particularly like partnerships for marketing
because someone else promotes your services
and you simply return a fee or gift (only if successful).

So it's really low risk. (SRA dictats apply!)

And if most of the marketing work is done by the
partner then how about the legal work
also being "backsourced".

It could make for a really efficient, low cost
option of legal service, being promoted for practically
nothing and instantly profitable.

Let's take an example..(one that is being explored by one law firm.
(And one that I exploited locally for a French Language company).

Imagine going to every school in your county.
Getting them all to put an advert on their bulletins.
That says something like...

Do You Know What Happens To Your Children If You Die Without A Will?

Find Out By Calling Our Free 24 hour Recorded Message on 0844 502 1631 or visit

and each school had a
trackable phone number.

The caller hears a recorded message
and leaves their contact details.

And these callers are then sent an email/text
inviting them to a website where they can
do an online Will.

And these Wills were sold and completed online.

And the price was £47.

And £17 went to the school.

And you built up a Will Bank of 1000 clients
(10 per school).

(And got your picture in the local paper and on radio
handing over cheques).

And these 1000 people bought

100 conveyancing
10 probate
10 divorce

services each year.

And you did it for 10 years.

1000 Conveyancing = 500,000
100 probate = 100,000
100 divorce = 100,000

That's 700,000 Pounds.

And each of those clients referred one
other person over 10 years...(I expect a lot more).

That's another 700,000 Pounds.


And all because it's easy to promote with direct online sales.

Where the client does the work.

As Danny Zuko (Grease) sang...

"I've got chills...they're multiplying..."

PS, You repeat this process with charities,
large employers, local authority etc.
Once you have a system in place
it's replicable. -

Want me to help you?
I will if you want to give this a go.


Thursday, 1 July 2010

Selling Legal Services online

I met up with someone yesterday and
we thought about partnerships to get more

I particularly like partnerships for marketing
because someone else promotes your services
and you simply return a fee (only if successful).

So it's really low risk.

And if most of the marketing work is done by the
partner then how about the legal work
also being "backsourced" (a term coined by
Graham Cohen).

It could make for a really interesting, low cost
option of legal service, being promoted for practically
nothing and instantly profitable.

Let's take an example..(one that is being explored by one law firm.
(And one that I exploit for a French Language company).

Imagine going to every school in your county.
Getting them all to put an advert on their bulletins.
That says something like...

Your Children Can Be Put In To
Care If You Were To Die Today
Without A Will.

And each school had an affinity code
or trackable phone number.

And Wills were sold and completed online.

And the price was £47.

And £17 went to the school.

And you built up a Will Bank of 1000 clients
(10 per school).

And these 1000 people bought

100 conveyancing
10 probate
10 divorce

services each year.

And you did it for 10 years.

1000 Conveyancing = 500,000
100 probate = 100,000
100 divorce = 100,000

That's 700,000 Pounds.

And each of those clients referred one
other person over 10 years...

That's another 700,000 Pounds.


And all because it's easy to promote with direct online sales.

Where the client does the work.

As Danny Zuko sang...

"I've to chills...they're multiplying..."

PS, You repeat this process with charities,
large employers, local authority etc.
Once you have a system in place
it's replicable.