Showing posts with label solicitor prices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label solicitor prices. Show all posts

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Solicitors market to the theatre of the mind...

I love it when someone ACTS.

Not as in the thespian way, but in the
genius way.

Remember I talked about I-Sold (Tesco)
using handwritten postcards to target
house sellers?

(It's here)

One of the Great Legal Members
didn't do what I suggested (try the same
for conveyancing) but did do an alternative.

He's selling Wills by recognising that the
house seller is having a major life-change
and it's a good time to get a new/updated will.

Do you systematically market to people undergoing
major life changes?
Things like;marriage, divorce, kids, buying a house,
retirement, selling a business etc.

Most people are going through these at any one time.

So there's the opportunity to enter their "theatre of the mind".

This means that you enter the conversation that is
already going on in their heads.

It's much easier than butting in where you are not welcome.
Just make sure it's a laser targeted headline or
selling phrase you use when you engage them
by email on the phone.

It still amazes me that solicitors don't bundle a Will
with conveyancing EVERY TIME.

But maybe you do?


Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Legal Services Subscriptions - Solicitors Kill Bill By Hour

I'm always on the lookout for
things you can swipe and deploy.

Here's one

It's simply a fixed fee employment law service
for small businesses.

Katie Marsh from Boys and Maughn who operate it told me,

"Each client proposal is bespoke and dependent upon factors such as their industry, length of trading and track record.

However, the annual premium is rarely more than 1% of payroll"


"One other local firm offers a similar scheme, but they lock their clients in for a minimum 3 year contract. We are so confident in our scheme that we only ask clients to sign up for 1 year at a time. "

Small businesses have to deal with employees.
They don't really have the expertise or time or money
to do it properly. And this is their "take my headache away" solution.

It's easy to promote this service.

PR in the local paper (every paper has a business
section), small adverts in the classified trades
section, Federation of Small Business, Chamber
of Commerce, direct mail to local small businesses
with 10 employees or less, radio spot, on your own
website, via Business Banking managers, accountants,
financial advisers....the list is endless.

Why not record an audio CD with information
on your service, testimonials and some great advice
and give it to the local business banking manager.

Tell them you'll co - brand it if they give it
to all their business clients.

And the great thing is that you can offer almost
all the documentation small firms need on line
which makes offering a subscription very profitable

Even if you don't do employment law can you do
the same for other services by offering subscriptions?

Here's Tessa Shepperson's subscription site
for Landlord Law...

How about Business Law, Property and even Family Law...

Is there a way you can do this?


Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Legal Marketing Partnerships with Schools

I met up with a CEO of a law firm
a couple of weeks ago
and we discussed partnerships to get more

I particularly like partnerships for marketing
because someone else promotes your services
and you simply return a fee or gift (only if successful).

So it's really low risk. (SRA dictats apply!)

And if most of the marketing work is done by the
partner then how about the legal work
also being "backsourced".

It could make for a really efficient, low cost
option of legal service, being promoted for practically
nothing and instantly profitable.

Let's take an example..(one that is being explored by one law firm.
(And one that I exploited locally for a French Language company).

Imagine going to every school in your county.
Getting them all to put an advert on their bulletins.
That says something like...

Do You Know What Happens To Your Children If You Die Without A Will?

Find Out By Calling Our Free 24 hour Recorded Message on 0844 502 1631 or visit

and each school had a
trackable phone number.

The caller hears a recorded message
and leaves their contact details.

And these callers are then sent an email/text
inviting them to a website where they can
do an online Will.

And these Wills were sold and completed online.

And the price was £47.

And £17 went to the school.

And you built up a Will Bank of 1000 clients
(10 per school).

(And got your picture in the local paper and on radio
handing over cheques).

And these 1000 people bought

100 conveyancing
10 probate
10 divorce

services each year.

And you did it for 10 years.

1000 Conveyancing = 500,000
100 probate = 100,000
100 divorce = 100,000

That's 700,000 Pounds.

And each of those clients referred one
other person over 10 years...(I expect a lot more).

That's another 700,000 Pounds.


And all because it's easy to promote with direct online sales.

Where the client does the work.

As Danny Zuko (Grease) sang...

"I've got chills...they're multiplying..."

PS, You repeat this process with charities,
large employers, local authority etc.
Once you have a system in place
it's replicable. -

Want me to help you?
I will if you want to give this a go.


Thursday, 1 July 2010

Selling Legal Services online

I met up with someone yesterday and
we thought about partnerships to get more

I particularly like partnerships for marketing
because someone else promotes your services
and you simply return a fee (only if successful).

So it's really low risk.

And if most of the marketing work is done by the
partner then how about the legal work
also being "backsourced" (a term coined by
Graham Cohen).

It could make for a really interesting, low cost
option of legal service, being promoted for practically
nothing and instantly profitable.

Let's take an example..(one that is being explored by one law firm.
(And one that I exploit for a French Language company).

Imagine going to every school in your county.
Getting them all to put an advert on their bulletins.
That says something like...

Your Children Can Be Put In To
Care If You Were To Die Today
Without A Will.

And each school had an affinity code
or trackable phone number.

And Wills were sold and completed online.

And the price was £47.

And £17 went to the school.

And you built up a Will Bank of 1000 clients
(10 per school).

And these 1000 people bought

100 conveyancing
10 probate
10 divorce

services each year.

And you did it for 10 years.

1000 Conveyancing = 500,000
100 probate = 100,000
100 divorce = 100,000

That's 700,000 Pounds.

And each of those clients referred one
other person over 10 years...

That's another 700,000 Pounds.


And all because it's easy to promote with direct online sales.

Where the client does the work.

As Danny Zuko sang...

"I've to chills...they're multiplying..."

PS, You repeat this process with charities,
large employers, local authority etc.
Once you have a system in place
it's replicable.


Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Be The Best Sales Person at Your Law Firm

I met with the CEO of a major law software company

last week. They are the company that allow

law firms to make money while they sleep.

(If you want to be introduced let me know).

The best thing that Grahame said to me was...

Boyd, you’re a salesman!”

On the way back from London on the train I thought

a lot about this comment and decided to share my thoughts.

It makes me proud to be a salesman.

Because until someone sells something, nothing in this commercial

world actually happens. There's no marketing, no finance,

no law firm!

How are you as a salesperson?

  • Do you enjoy it?
  • Do you study how to do it?
  • Or, like me, do you just try your best and then hope that people buy?

Because, being your best and hoping that people

buy isn’t such a crazy idea.

In striving to be your best you generally get smarter and better

than other people. Because most people really don’t reach

half of their potential.

  • You see they give up learning.
  • They give up studying.
  • They aren’t self motivated.

What I love about you is that you took the

time to sign up to this newsletter.

(And many have been with me for 12 months now - thank you.)

You demonstrated that you are motivated enough to learn.

So I want to share with a like-minded person my list of what

I do to be as great as I can be.

Here’s what I focus on.

Smart. – I try to be smart. Flexible enough to think on my feet

rather than trotting out the same old stuff as everyone else.

Self-motivated. Nobody has to tell me what to do.

I know what to do and why I am doing it. I work to learn and earn every day.

Great Attitude. How much of my success is attributable to attitude?

10% No. 40% No. 90% Yes. Everything starts with a positive attitude.

Excellent Communication. I want to be compelling.

I want to tell stories that resonate. I want to be believable, clear and concise.

Physically and Mentally Fit. I want to exercise my body and my brain.

I want both of them to be fit to take on the day whatever it’s going to bring.

Mental and physical press-ups are required to live to the full.

Computer Skilled. I can’t have the excuse that “It’s all too difficult to keep up”.

The Internet rules the economic world.

Ignore this fact and in 10 years you’ll be unemployable.

Goal Driven. Having a goal is basic to success.

Devising and persisting with a plan to get there is key to success.

Action is genius and I need to act on getting to my goal.

Dedicated to Success. I want to achieve something every day.

It keeps the momentum going. It keeps me dedicated to my goal

with visible progress.

Past Success. Every time I do something successfully I

imprint it on my memory by squeezing my left index finger.

Those memories give me confidence. I can access that

success feeling any time I want by pressing on my finger.

A Career, Not a Job. It’s not about how much I earn this

week or this month. It’s about how much return I get on what

I am investing in. Give me a pound and 50% commission rather

than £2 and 10% commission.

I’m more interested in personal development and

success than money. I dedicate myself every day to becoming better.

As a result people value me more.

Lifelong Student: Accept I don’t know, then learn.

I know I don’t know everything. I accept it.

And I will never be someone that knows everything.

I am a "lifelong learner."

I love helping others. There’s nothing better than

helping someone become successful.

There’s probably something missing from the list.

Ah...Sales Skills.

But do you know what? It’s better to have a positive attitude

and brains than selling skills.

Because selling skills can be learnt.

Whereas being smart, happy and striving to be the best I can be is totally up to me.

Where do I get help to help me think?

Books. And I surround myself with positive people.

If you have never read anything about personal development try a couple of books

out and let me know how you get on. Take a look at these on Amazon.

Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz MD

The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale

Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

You can get all these books for £12 or so second hand.

Take them on holiday and read them. Read them instead

of watching TV. Read them on the train instead of trash


I guarantee it's money and TIME well spent.

and for a taster of personal development books

try clicking here


Recommendation Isn't Referring

Law Society research says 90% of people would recommend their solicitor
to a family member of friend. (IF ASKED BY A RESEARCHER).

Those are my capitals. Because it doesn't really matter what someone says to a researcher. What matters is what YOUR CLIENTS do.

Industry pats on the back don't do anything for your bottom line.

You can't spend researched recommendations at the bank.

And satisfaction is not loyalty.

The true test is loyalty.

How many of your clients will never leave you and
will defend you to the hilt?

Because loyal clients are the best referrers.

And the question is "How are you systematicallly asking
and getting referrals?"

Action on getting a systematic referral process
in place will do everything for you.

The research doesn't show how many referrals each
loyal client is giving you.

The research doesn't show how many each client could
give you.

The research doesn't show the value of each referral and what you should invest in getting referrals.

If you know how to get loyal, highly profitable clients and get them to refer
their best friends, clients and colleagues (i.e. people like them)
then you are on to a winner. But everyone already knows that don't they?

Still, how many people have a referral system in place?

Have you?

First admit you don’t know. Then learn. Then act.


Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Referral Partner System for Lawyers and Solicitors

Remember my last email where I talked
about getting a partner referral programme going?

(It's down below)

Well here's a letter format you can
swipe and deploy for your firm.

This is a real example being used by
my client.

Send this letter out to the top 75 businesses
in each category listed.

Obviously change the words for your own (or ask me
to do it for you £££ ;-)
but use the same or a similar format.

Any questions, let me know.


PS enjoy the match. An England win means
happy people. Happy people buy things.

PPS advance notice...I'm away for August...
so get any questions in before then...

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, 15 June, 2010 10:19am
Subject: Great Legal Marketing Newsletter - How To Create A Referral Network.

Good morning...

Still on the the theme of referrals.

Did you know there are only 5 steps you have to take
to create a referral network.

But you have to take at least one step today.

And that's to open the PDF
I've put together for you.

It's right here

I'll probably get a few emails after people read this.

So bear with me if it takes a couple of days to get
round to answering yours.


Thursday, 17 June 2010

Get Your Solicitor Firm on Bing For Buyers To Come

Here's a new tip for you.

You know Google Local right?

And if you've done what I suggested
you are probably making good money
out of it.

But have you done the same for Bing?

Because in my books Bingers are Buyers.

So it makes sense to get yourself on
the Bing local version.

You can do this so easily...I don't even have
to make a video to show how it's done.

Just click here

And follow the instructions...

PS for all you employment lawyers
using the World Cup to sell your services
take a look at this

How many ways can you present information
that makes it more interesting?


Tuesday, 15 June 2010

5 Steps To A Solicitors Referral Network

Still on the the theme of referrals.

Did you know there are only 5 steps you have to take
to create a referral network.

But you have to take at least one step today.

And that's to open the PDF
I've put together for you.

It's right here

I'll probably get a few emails after people read this.

So bear with me if it takes a couple of days to get
round to answering yours.


Monday, 14 June 2010

Do You Continually Test Your Prices for Your Legal Services?

Not the most professional.

Not the best.

But a very important

Here it is...

PS If you continually test your prices
and have no problems with getting
premium prices for your services you don't
waste time watching this...but one of my clients
doubled his prices after doing this and has
had 12 record months...


Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Solicitors Must Test Prices Regularly

Not the most professional.

Not the best.

But a very important

Here it is...

PS If you continually test your prices
and have no problems with getting
premium prices for your services you don't
waste time watching this...but one of my clients
doubled his prices after doing this and has
had 12 record months...