Tuesday 9 June 2009

What Is Marketing?

Everything that a legal firm does that is not operations is marketing.
It's not about one department or another. Or job title.
Anything that any internal or external clients sees, hears, thinks, feels, smells (yep some offices smell) touches and leaves an impression is marketing.

Some law firms don't want to do marketing.
Some don't know how.
Some know how but don't.
Some know how and do.

I know which I'd rather work for.

After all, if your firm does not do marketing very well, who is going to suffer?

That's right. You.

So, if you aren't dedicating at least 30 minutes a day to your own development of marketing/selling skills then you won't be a winner. You'll probably be a whiner.

And if you say your boss doesn't give you 30 minutes a day, hello whiner.

I'd just teach all lawyers to be good at marketing and selling if I owned a firm. And then I'd expect them to perform. If you can give McDonald's kids a handbook on what to do why not a lawyer handbook on how to sell and market a law firm........ah that gives me an idea......

PS thanks to those who signed up to my newsletter. Spam email accounts won't be receiving it - sorry.

PPS tip for the day - read Seth Godin's Purple Cow. Yes I know it's a few years old now but it's still moos for me and many others. Read any good books lately?

PPS Typos are my gift to you.