Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Volcanos and Employee Rights

Yes there's still a chance you can write that

article about "Should Employees be docked pay

if they didn't turn up to work during the Volcano


Because employers still don't know what to do.

Take a look at these comments on the

Teacher's website


So if you haven't sent out an email alert to your clients

with the basics (and cross selling) then why not do it

today? You can even do a search on Twitter to get ideas

for real time problems you can answer on your email.

Check this out


Monday, 26 April 2010

How Wright Hassall Won Thousands Of Pounds Of Business

Watch the video below


Friday, 23 April 2010

Schedule Your Tweets While You Watch QI

If you are like me, Stephen Fry on QI may be your cup of tea.

I admit I don't watch every second. Because I'm Tweeting.

What I do is I set up scheduled Tweets on Twitter so I can

set and forget. And this is the video of the tool I use to

do this -
click here for the solicitors Twitter scheduling tool video

It's free for law firms.

Remember what you can do with Twitter - solicitors Twitter idea


Wednesday, 21 April 2010

The Death Of The Billable Hour For Solicitors

I've been searching the globe for law firms that don't do billable hours.


Because you can only work 40 hours a week.

Which means you are limited in terms of productivity.

Plus, you are limited because you are not leveraging true value.

I.e what value you are delivering to the client which may be much

more than the billable hour.

Subscriptions will flourish. Because knowing what you are paying out

each month makes it easy to budget. And knowing what you

are getting in each month makes it easy to manage.

Virtual law firms, where previously unhappy, experienced lawyers work

on a retainer/commission structure will bloom. Lower overheads

for the controlling company and more flexibility both sides.

Technology is what prospects/clients want to get in touch.

Why traipse into expensive real estate offices of a law firm

when you can just as well skype from home/office.

Law firms will continue to discover niche areas and work faster and flexibly

on smaller scales. These individuals or firms will not be restricted by

geography, but more their expert status and how well known they are.

Solicitors that survive and thrive will be those who learn how to become

Great Legal Marketing firms because technical quality is expected yet Legal

Service Quality is what is most in demand.

Here's the list of legal marketing greats;

http://www.family-lawfirm.co.uk/About-Us/default.aspx Woolley and Co - Based in Warwickshire.

Axiom Legal. In a nutshell they’ve used the professional consultant business model (and corresponding cost structure) and employee former big firm lawyers and experienced in-house counsel that charge half the rate.

www.strozfriedberg.com competent technology focused attorneys who would traditionally work for a large law firm but choose to utilize their skills by consulting

(www.rimonlaw.com). They are a virtual law firm based in San Francisco that use top-tier American expat lawyers.

Outside Counsel Solutions at http://outsidecounsel.net/about.aspx. Their US attorneys provide top-quality legal counsel to clients all over the USA, from offices in New York and Jerusalem, at highly discounted rates.


Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Volcanos and Employment Law for Solicitor Marketing

Volcanos are in the news.

Thousands of employers want to know if they

can dock the pay of their staff that don't turn

up because of ash.

And thousands more probably want to know

if they can dock pay if staff don't turn up

because of accidents, trains and automobiles.

If you are an expert on employment law or

employee rights...

Have you written your USEFUL and VALUABLE
article for your website
and sent it out to your list of business clients via email?

And your local media? So you can do interviews?
Just like Berwins do on radio http://twitter.com/#search?q=volcano%20ash%20employment

Here's a story you can use for inspiration.


Write that article tonight instead of watching

Always use what's going on in the mind

of prospects to get yourself noticed and do your solicitor

"expert marketing".

It's called
"Theatre of the Mind" and you can use a Twitter search
to find out in real time just as I did.

Just type in to Twitter search function the

subject you want to eavesdrop on.


Monday, 19 April 2010

Continuity Revenue For Solicitors

Did you know there are only three ways to make more without slashing costs.

· More customers.

· Bigger orders. (Either price or volume).

· More frequent purchases.

I describe this system as Finding, Getting, Keeping and Growing customers.

You see marketing is not just about finding new clients.

It’s the whole system you put in place.

So I got to thinking about how you can get clients to purchase more frequently.

Because at the moment, most law firms only sell the one transaction.

And then, maybe, try and cross-sell. Often not successfully.

But what if you swiped Sky TV or BBC Magazines or Golf Club ideas and created a membership?

Perhaps a service where you are guaranteed an income from each client every year.

In return for a fabulous and wanted service?

100 clients paying £500 a year? Guaranteed? (£50k)

There’s plenty of expertise that you can draw on in your own law firm and outside it.

You can offer a service for personal clients. A “Roadmap for Tomorrow”.

This could be updated annually in conjunction with a financial adviser and accountant. (With you as lead).

And of course, serviced regularly.

It certainly beats billing by the hour.

And most of this type of work can be outsourced too.

I’ve got some ideas on this myself.

And will be working on it with at least one law firm.

But for now, if you’ve got any ideas of how you can get continuity revenue feel free to share them.

And if you are doing it already - that's great legal marketing.


Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Solicitors Help Out Estate Agents For Referrals

Fancy doing Estate Agents a favour? And getting refferals

in return, (through reciprocation)?

More than half of Estate agents do not have any lone worker policies in place,

with no safety procedures in place for staff who carry out viewings

or valuations on their own. See the story here

If you advise on employment law then you can help agents.

You can develop this opportunity for your law firm.

Send out a Resource Report titled,

"Everything You Must Do By Law To Protect Estate Agency Staff

When Doing Lone Viewings."

Make an offer in the report to offer a bespoke service. Offer it at a high price.
Then also make an offer for a discounted price i.e. take off £100 for every
conveyancing job you receive in return.

Remember as solicitors you must identify the problem, agitate it and then solve it.

You know what the problem is, (I've told you), you use the report to agitate, you
offer a bespoke service to solve it and an offer to make it easy.

And you can do a solicitors video report like this instead!


Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Law Gazette Gold - Solicitor Marketing Bites

Here are the contributions I've made to the Law Gazette

over the past few months.

You'll find it here

(I like the bit about receptionists

because it actually happened to me).

Don't forget to download it here


Friday, 2 April 2010

Daily Inspiration Quotes From Twitter For Law Firms

Need a daily dose of inspiration

to get things done? It's on my Twitter account


(all set up using Social Oomph remember the video)

PS - have you checked your

Google Local categories?

Are you listed under all five

categories you should be?

And what are they you ask?

Solicitor, Services - Solicitors,

Solicitors, Legal Service Provider,


If any of the newsletters have been useful click here to find some

I would really like for Easter ;-)

Thanks for stopping by. (There’s plenty to keep you going here!)


Thursday, 25 March 2010

Do You Build Rapport Personally And For Your Law Firm?

Newsletters members got this first. (Hint hint).

Find today's newsletter article on
Rapport for solicitors here

And maybe refresh with Do People Like You? That's here.


Monday, 22 March 2010

You Can't Rely On Word Of Mouth Anymore.

Why You Must Be First Choice On The Internet If You Want To Grow Your Solicitor Business.

As if you didn’t know. People are going to find you online and buy your services.

If they can find your law firm, like you and trust you.

And it’s not just me that says it.

A YouGov poll of 2,266 people commissioned by online solicitor directory legallybetter.com revealed that personal recommendation remains by far the most favoured method of choosing a solicitor.

But the internet is playing an increasingly important role in assisting consumers to choose a law firm.

  • 21% of those polled said they would use internet search

  • 20% said they would use websites with independent consumer ratings of law firms’ quality of services.

  • 10% said they would use specialist web directories of solicitors

  • 4% said they would ask their contacts on social networking sites such as Facebook

The survey found that men were slightly more likely than women to use the internet to find a solicitor.

Personal recommendation still results in people checking you out online. So it’s a must to get a

Winning Internet Strategy! ‘Nuff said – time for action.


Sunday, 21 March 2010

Be a Nosey Neighbour and Spy on your Law Firm Competitors.

It's a good idea to spy on your competitors.

They may
have a good idea you can swipe. Or maybe they are doing

something that you can draw attention to and compare

your own services to, (favourably using compare and contrast).

Imagine having the spying automated for you.

And fast news coming back from the trenches of law firm marketing.


The quicker you know what other law firms are up to the

quicker you can react.

(And profit).

Here's a great weapon that helps

spy on your competition.

This service is www.ChangeDetection.com

It's not complicated.

Type in the web page address you want to monitor

and the email address to send alerts to.

For example a rival solicitors news page or


You can customise what changes you want reported

on the page versus only major changes etc.

You can review the changes that

were made because it highlights them.

I use this tool (along with Google Alerts) to help keep an

eye out for relevant changes online. (Including whether

my clients do their homework!)

Who do you want to spy on...?


Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Be an Expert and Grab Celebrity Status For Your Law Firm

How are you getting on becoming the expert in your niche?

Are you writing, speaking, delivering expertise to an audience

that is turning you into a brand online and offline?

Here's a piece I wrote in Navigator Magazine.

This gets me in front of 200 law firms. If they like

what they read, they might visit this website.

And join in so that I can build a relationship with them.

Do you have a list of publications and groups

that you are systematically targetting so you can become

known as the expert in your field?

Remember it's about who knows you, not who you know.

How you can do it is in the article -
get it here


Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Sole Practioner Builds Business On Google

One of my clients has steadily been building his business

for conveyancing and HIPS via Google searches.

Read about what he recommends other sole practitioners

do in the latest "SOLO" Sole Practitioners magazine.

Here's a copy. (PS his article is on page 9).


Monday, 15 March 2010

The "Little And Often" Referrals System

The "Little and Often" System.

Referrals are the best ways to grow any law firm.

You know this already.

So how do you boost

your referrals?

The answer is...

Create a system to make

consistent deposits into clients'

"emotional bank account."

The Emotional "Bank Account"

Stephen Covey, author of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,

created the concept of the

emotional bank account.

Everyone has an emotional bank account.

You have an emotional bank account.

I have an emotional bank account.

An emotional bank account is how somebody

feels about YOU.

It's similar to a real bank account.

you can you can make deposits or

withdrawals from it.

If I create a POSITIVE interaction with

you I am making a deposit to your

emotional bank account.

If I create NEGATIVE interactions with

you I am making a withdrawal from your

emotional bank account.

So Here's the BIG SECRET.

Create as many positive interactions

with your clients as you

can, as frequently as you can!

When you do this, people will be ready,

willing and happy to help whenever

you ask for it.

So here's what you need to do...

CREATE A SYSTEM that consistently makes

deposits into your clients

emotional bank account.

The Key Element of the Formula

When you're making consistent

deposits you need to do one more thing.

You need to REMIND people how important

referrals are to you and your business.

Reminding is a softer form of asking for


When remind people about

about how important referrals are to

your business, they'll start sending

them to you...in a BIG way!

So here's the formula...


Make at least 3 deposits and then make 1

reminder withdrawal.


To remind yourself of how to ask for

a referral to get more clients for your law firm

go here

and to make
deposits check out this.