Law Firms Waste Money On Adverts
What are the greatest adverts you’ve ever seen?
The best adverts I’ve see are those for
“old people” in the Sunday papers.
For slippers, trousers and hearing aids.
With a picture, lots of detail and a coupon.
You may hate them. Or maybe not notice them.
But you should study them.
Because the fact they appear week after
week means that they are successful.
Because they are direct response
ads that make money.
“I cannot judge good advertising; it judges me.”
If the ad works—brings in orders, donations or
inquiries at the budgeted return on investment...
it's a good ad. If not, it’s bad..
I hate ads whose return on investment
can’t be measured.
Lots of solicitor firms are wasting their money.
If your law firms doesn't want to waste money use my
“Write an advert for your law firm that kicks butt guide”.
And remember when you do get an ad that works,
make sure that your phone lines are
ready for the calls!