Direct Mail Letters That Sell
If you know you have 3 clients that are similar
how about trying to find some more?
One way you can do this is by writing a sales letter.
Let's say you have 3 charities you work for.
If you can write to another 500 charities
that are similar, with a persuasive letter
and 25 respond then you have an immediate
qualified 25 prospects.
And it cost you £250 to send the initial letters.
That's £10 a lead for your law firm.
Here's my video thoughts on a letter sent to me to try and get me to buy.
If you convert one from 25 you will probably make a
return of at least 10 x the money you have invested.
So why not try it?
Here are some tips that will help you write better sales
letters to market your law firm.
There's another resource on direct mail for solicitors here.
Send a letter with no offer and you’ll get no response -
That's known in the world of marketing as a “waste of money.”
If you do not get the results you need or response is flagging,
check the offer first.
“If you want to dramatically increase your response, dramatically improve your offer.”
“Success in direct mail is 40% lists, 40% offer and 20% everything else.
Before sending out a letter without an offer, think the letter “P”:
only the Printer and the Post Office make money.
A good direct mail letter is as direct and personal
as the writer can make it.
Even though it may go to thousands of people,
it still talks to an individual.
It’s a message from one letter writer to one letter reader.
A sales letter should never be signed by two people.
Two is a committee.
It's impossible to make an emotional connection with a committee.
Do not write “we” in your letter. Write “I”.
This gives the sense that one is getting a letter written by a real person.
If you are available anytime (24/7) for the call, or for more
information, make sure that you are and tell them you are.
They’ll appreciate you saying it, even if they don’t take you up on it. Turning a 50 pence letter into £2500 of business
is a skill that you can easily learn.
Just follow simple, proven and profitable systems.
(Of course the 475 that don't respond
will go into a marketing sequence remember...)