Solicitors and Law Firms Increase Prices So You Can Do More Marketing
One of the things that I have to keep reminding people of is that marketing does usually cost money and that it's an investment. The other thing is that it's something you want to do more of than your competitor. You want to be spending more money because if you do it right, no-one will be able to compete with you. The fact is that the person who can afford to spend the most to acquire a client or get them to buy again is going to win. The more profit you make the more you can afford to market. If you think a 17% increase in business with higher prices is something you'd like to achieve. Here's a PDF about how to do it - with a video When someone talks about price it’s the best BUYING signal you can ask for. Even if it is a price objection, the prospect has made that mental leap and thought about having what you have to sell. The request for the lowest price is just another barrier to overcome. Here's the information you want. PS do you want me to talk to you once a week on a one-to-one basis for an hour or so and get your strategy right? I have three slots open for £747 for my 50 Days To Marketing Success programme where I'll get your marketing into shape so you can profit for the next 12 months like clockwork. Just let me know if you want more success and I'll send you the questions you have to answer before I take you on.
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