I've prepared a little video about
how you can find your
And answer the propect's question
"Why Should I Buy From You?"
You probably have Tim Bishop
bishopslaw.com to thank for this.
You see he tried to watch the original
video I did and told me it sucked! He was right!
So I redid it
without the awful music.
Click this link for the new videoI learnt three things from his email...
It's ok to try something and for it not to work.
and...I'm building a community where people
can tell me I'm wrong.
And...I noticed Tim's emails contain
a PS with a cross-selling line...something
I am passionate about.
Because I get lots of "out of office" bounces from
members of GLM. And not one has had
a cross-selling PS.
And here endeth today's lesson ;-)