Conveyancing Tips from Bournemouth Solicitors
I like the way that this Solicitor from Bournemouth has
started to use video.
He's quickly ranked on Google for Solicitors Bournemouth and made
his text come to life by recording a screen cast.
I like the way that this Solicitor from Bournemouth has
started to use video.
He's quickly ranked on Google for Solicitors Bournemouth and made
his text come to life by recording a screen cast.
Lots of firms are re-examining Yellow Pages budgets.
I’m sure you’ve read this page on my website about Yellow Pages adverts.
And you've read this page
Leet me ask you.
Have you done a Yellow Pages advert in the past?
What response do you get?
What cost per lead is it giving you?
If it’s good then safe to stick with the advert if all is well.
But if you don't track your response - PLEASE start doing it with all leads you get.
But if you're looking at your first YP advert or you aren’t happy with your existing advert here are some quick thoughts.
You probably need a better headline than the one you have and ideally a unique one.
For example, I recenlty looked a a firm's website and advert and could only find one unique point.
It was hidden away.
And it was to do with evening appointments and the offer of convenience.
So you could do a main headline..
Who Else Wants A Solicitor That Visits Your Office Or Home?
That Let’s You Try Before You Buy.
With a sub headline....
And Guarantees You Can Meet Up When You Want To,
(not squeezed in to your lunch hour!)
Which could then have some body copy...
At XXX Law we know that our clients want fast results. But they don’t want to be rushed.
We’re not your usual nine to five solicitors that are difficult to get hold of on the phone (and then charge you for every minute we help solve your problems.) We know you come to us because you have to. Which is why we will arrange to see you at home, at your office or in the evening . Basically when it’s convenient for you.
You probably need better images in your ad.
Their images didn't really do anything. They were typical handshake, keys, house artwork.
I suggested they'd be better off using any logos such as APIL, SRA, Law Society etc. Or use a picture that relates to time and convenience.
Or publicise a confidential 24 Hour Divorce Information Line.
(Here's an information line number for a newspaper I did
Call 0843 218 3542 to listen)
They had no guarantee in the ad. You ideally need a guarantee – although No Win – No Fee could be used better and bigger and made into something.
They had simple spelling mistakes.
You probably need someone to check the spelling (or read it backwords to do this yourself)
They needed at least one testimonial that was relevant and “XXX Law saved me £17,000” variety rather than the good guy variety. Read this page on testimonials...
They needed to have a call to action highlighted which could be...
30 minute consultation worth £147 free when you mention this advertisement.
I hope they get a better advert designed. And track the response.
PS if you want a trackable phone number let me know. It's vital to monitor
the success of otherwise of your marketing channels.
The company I use are
Once again..if you give them my name you'll get special rates
because they want to have a few solicitors on board as
I'm deliberately sending this out on Wednesday at 11.50am
It's the best time to get emails opened.
When I send out on Friday I get mainly out of office emails..
Out of office emails. Don't you just love 'em?
A they a great marketing legal marketing tool?
Not if this is anything to go by.
* I am out of the office today the 13th September. If the matter is urgent please contact...
This says to me, "I couldn't be bothered to stamp my personality
on my emails or at best, I hadn't thought about it."
But then I got this reply from Richard Davies and thought
ah...there's someone that's taken a bit of time and effort...
Thank you for your e-mail. Please note I will be out of the office until 6th September.
I will be checking e-mails periodically during this period but in the event of any urgent matters please e-mail one of the following:
For general and conveyancing enquiries e-mail Irene Campbell - irene at
For divorce and family law matters e-mail Jane Young - jane at
For probate, wills and Court of Protection matters e-mail Andrew McLoughlin - andrew at
or telephone the office on 0151 336 6611.
Richard B M Davies
RBM Davies & Partners LLP
And here's something from Fishers, it's a mini
events guide on their out of office emails...
Sunday 19th September 2010
The Melbourne Festival - Fishers Solicitors continue their partnership with the Melbourne Festival. Running from the 11th to the 25th of September, the festival brings together performances of music, drama, poetry and comedy with the best local art and architecture. Fishers will be hosting a stand on Sunday 19th during the Art and Architecture Trail, come along and say hello and join us for a glass of wine.
Thursday 30th September 2010
Leicester Business Event 2010 - Fishers will be exhibiting at LBE10 at the Walkers Stadium. Visitors get free entry so why not take the opportunity to come along and chat to some of our lawyers.
Thursday 30th September 2010
Ashby Trade Fair - Fishers will exhibiting at the Ashby Trade Fair. This is a great opportunity to meet other local businesses in the Ashby de la Zouch area. If your business is based in Ashby come along to Hood Park Leisure Centre between 12pm and 7pm and meet some of the team.
Can you try something friendly...
Thanks for emailing me. I'm with clients
all day helping them with their divorce cases.
If you want an update on yours feel free to call me
between 4pm and 5pm Monday to Friday on 0844 502 1631
If it's really urgent and can't wait
then please text me a short message with
what's urgent on 0795 1284875.
If you want to know anything about the divorce process
and how I can help you please download my free guide here
Remember to change your Will when you get divorced.
For other legal solutions please get in touch with...etc.
If you have 10 out of office emails a week that's 500 ways
to cross sell other services a year. Multiplied by how many members
of staff you have. And it's gratis.
I would be gobsmacked if you don't pick up at least ONE
PS, please do is so easy. And change it from
time to time so you sound human!
PPS is it Yellow Pages renewing time? Are you going to need
a trackable phone number (you must). Get one from me - just ask!
I saw this rather good solicitors website. It's one of the first to use a trackable phone number that I've seen. If you want a good example of someone doing something different check out this solicitors in bournemouth website.
Read more...Remember the days when you used to call
a local insurance broker?
And they'd call around looking for some good car insurance
or house insurance for you?
Or when you used to call the airline
and ask about flights by phone?
Seems a long time ago. But it isn't.
Probably less than 10 years.
(check out today's interview here)
Imagine then that someone calls you
and you don't offer the prospect the option
of completing their Will online?
You've had a chat on the phone
and you know they just need a simple
Will...and all they have to do is fill in the blanks.
Are you still going to send them a paper survey, or spend
time on the phone going over the details?
When you can fix the price for them, capture their email,
send them a link where they can log into your secure
website, fill in the blanks, and pay their money.
In about 3 minutes.
And still charge what the client is prepared to pay.
I've had a chat with Grahame Cohen, CEO of Direct Law.
I've put it on the website. Right here on
Solicitors Marketing Ideas Might be worth taking a look.
Because you don't want to miss this opportunity
for someone in your firm to become an expert
in delivering legal services in the way that
a large portion of your prospects want them delivered.
Video is massive and you need to use it
as much as you can.
Take this great service from
What they do is reconstruct car/motorbike
accidents in 3D.
The outcome is a dramatic representation
of what was alleged to have happened.
How useful is this service?
Justin Adams of LA Media says that insurers
often settle before the case comes to court.
I'm not surprised. Ranging between £3.5 - £2k
these videos are powerful influencers
(already being used by top QC's).
It's a young company, but one which is going to be
Check them out here
To email Justin use
They're based in Scotland.
PS remember that before and after video
in personal accident cases is also very powerful.
Google has rolled out an instant search mode that will display the top 10 search results as you type.
This is probably going to cause some changes in the way people use Google.
I played around with a "live" just to see what it does
check it out here
Here's Google's reason for doing it and their video
If you see changes in your website traffic in the coming months, this could be the main reason.
As you can see the results when you type in the words, instead of scanning through the search engine result page (SERP) after each search, you are more likely to look at the top 3-4 results and then refine the search until they find what they want.
Might be worth optimising your website for some of the instant search phrases.I know that indemnity insurance costs have case you
didn't see it there's a new insurer on the market and the Law
Society have produced a guide to the subject...
One member of this newsletter has used Connect2Law
to successfully get P I Insurance. Might be another route for you?
Obviously insurance is a major issue for you. But what are major
issues for your clients?
Because major life changes can help you to market..Things like;marriage, divorce, kids, buying a house,
retirement, selling a business etc.
Most people are going through these at any one time.And they don't know that there are legal consequences.
Just make sure it's a laser targeted headline or
So there's the opportunity to enter their "theatre of the mind".
This means that you enter the conversation that is
already going on in their heads.
It's much easier than butting in where you are not welcome.
selling phrase you use when you engage them
by email, on the phone or by letter.
It still amazes me that solicitors don't make an offer for a new Will
with conveyancing EVERY TIME. Perhaps you might wait a few weeks/months
to sell the Will because a new house takes up most of
someone's brain for a while.
But plant the seed and then nurture it with a marketing sequence
over a few months and I bet
you'll get their Will sorted.
And if you find this difficult to systemise
why not automate the whole process?
A friendly letter/email and sms text twice a year
highlighting legal solutions to major life changes
would cost pennies but it's a nice reminder
and your clients will thank you for it.
If a garage can send an sms about an MOT
and a dentist can send a reminder about a check-up
couldn't you do the same twice a year about a
legal check up?
The more you help your clients the more they will
trust and like you. And the more they will buy.
And the principle applies to commercial clients
as well as private clients. The more you know about
their business the more you can provide solutions.
But if you don't ask regularly you will never know.
PS remember people buy when they want to buy, not when
you want to sell. That's why you have to be in constant
contact efficiently, in a valuable way, and systematically.
Ask me how if you want to! Visit Solicitor Marketing
I've been looking at how firms can offer something to sell to visitors to their websites.
After all, why not make money 24/7 right?
One thing that you can do is offer "backsourced" products such as Wills, where the client fills in the details and you check it over. It's how most of the car insurance industry now works.
(For an example of who does use it in the legal world visit
Personally, online legal services are right for me as a consumer and I think there is a big market for them.
And I asked Tim Bishop, (who runs the Salisbury Solicitors firm Bonallack and Bishop) his views on the matter. (Tim's website is worth checking out - he know's where he's headed).
These are Tim's thoughts on online legal services
What do you think about online legal services Tim?
"I suspect it's likely that this method of delivering some legal services will become increasingly popular. However it's early days. I'm a great believer in not adopting a radical new method first I prefer to wait and see and let others go through the expense, the pain and the learning curve -- and if it looks like a winner then I'll happily come on board at the forefront of the second wave, learning from others' mistakes."
Do you see it happening soon?"The other issue is that I'm personally concerned about commoditized services -- where profit margins will be driven down and down again and the only way eventually of delivering them will be on a massive scale -- simply beyond most small and medium firms of solicitors -- more suited to the likes of Which or large insurance companies. My target is therefore the niche areas of law which are more specialized and labour-intensive where we are, as solicitors, much more likely to be safer from the likes of Which etc, and where we are likely to be able to continue charging a premium in at least the medium term."
Thank you to Tim for sharing his thoughts.
I like the seller
I understand what I am buying
I perceive a difference with this company
I believe the seller
I have confidence in him
I trust him
I feel comfortable
The price seems fair
I perceive this product will work for me.
I believe this sales person wants to help me so he can build his business.
New ideas are a great way to compete.
New ideas are not about money. They are about innovation. And no-one has the patent on innovation.
Most of the business concepts we have are handed down.This means we are limited in our ideas by tradition.
But anyone can create a new world. It’s all in your imagination.
Let’s imagine you are going to be making a presentation about handling a large University property account.
You believe that you will have a good chance of winning the business if you really know what the client is thinking so that you can handle any objections. So you decide to use a prop that ensures the buyers WILL tell you what they are thinking.
You give the panel gavels that they can bang down whenever they have an objection or question.
You say to them, “You be the judge, if you have an objection or question, bang the gavel!”
* You get a clear signal that you have to communicate better or more or prove what you are saying.
* The audience don’t feel embarrassed about asking.
* They get a clear understanding and banish their doubts.
* They enjoy the process.
* They buy.
You can probably think of a hundred different analogies you can use in your law firm like this.
You don’t have to use all the ideas, (pick the best,) but the more you have, the better those you choose to implement.
Here's an example.
Imagine if all estate agents in your town would give a free will to all buyers and sellers written by your firm.
This free will is offered when the buyer/seller gets a conveyancing quote from you.
It’s promoted in every advert that the estate agent places and in every communication with buyers/sellers.
The solicitor gets more conveyancing, gets a relationship with the buyer/seller, sells more family law services via a marketing sequence and gets publicity paid for by the estate agent.
The Estate Agent gives extra value to potential clients.
All the solicitor does is provide the marketing materials to the estate agent. (Got to do some work you know).
Remember your imagination needs nourishment. Stand back once in a while from your day to day work.
Here’s another way to come up with ideas.
Check out this page
Do you know Einstein imagined what it would feel like to be a light particle travelling through space? He came up with the theory of relativity based on his feelings and imagination.
PS, I’ve mentioned it before. Michael Michalko’s Book “Thinkertoys”
is a book that helps feed the imagination.
If you have children or an enquiring mind you will love iit.
Some people are worried about
Tesco Law and the Co-op stealing
business away.
But there's probably a different threat.
You see a company is signing up estate agents in your area
and getting their conveyancing leads. They might
only be at 2.5% of the English market but I expect
that to rise.
What are you doing to protect your leads from Estate
Agents and mortgage brokers. Are you complacent?
Do you know enough about what
your agents want? Are you proactive?
Could you outsource your conveyancing to this growing firm?
Find out what commercial director of said
when I interviewed him earlier this week.
Here's the interview