Friday, 27 August 2010

Turn Negatives Into Your Positives For Solicitor Marketing

I was away for five weeks and
I only managed to get stung by a jellyfish once.

Now I have a free souvenir of my time in France.

I like to turn negatives into positives. It works well
away from the beach too.

Here's your new scenario....

It uses the law of Compare and Contrast.

It goes like this...a prospect has picked you out
of Google Local (he's searched conveyancing in Bristol)

"Hello just checking on Conveyancing Mr Smith, I've been
recommended to use Countrywide Lawyers by my Estate Agent
but I wanted another option. Could you tell me what you do.?"

"Sure, but first let me send you this link to the Countrywide reviews...

And here's a link to our videos.....

And by the way....we're independent of the estate agent
which means we work Exclusively FOR you."

Now let me tell you 3 things about us which make us unique...."

Do your staff answer the phone like this?


To get someone to buy your conveyancing team you only have
to do the following;

Get someone to like you.
Be positive. Be friendly. Be Enthusiastic.

Get them to trust you.
Give them overwhelming proof, video, audio, written testimonials.

Help them understand what they'll get.
Explain clearly, give them guides and videos. Make
your service understandable.

Ensure they know it's a fair price.
Tell them everything you do for them, don't leave
anything out, even if everyone else does it, you've
got to tell 'em because they don't know.

Remember these are the reasons that people buy.

I like the seller

I understand what I am buying

I perceive a difference with this company

I believe the seller

I have confidence in him

I trust him

I feel comfortable

The price seems fair

I perceive this product will work for me.

I believe this sales person wants to help me so he can build his business.

Work your script around making someone feel great
about these things and you'll convert 50% more leads.


Tuesday, 17 August 2010

How can Law Firms Come Up With New Ideas?

New ideas are a great way to compete.

New ideas are not about money. They are about innovation. And no-one has the patent on innovation.

Most of the business concepts we have are handed down.This means we are limited in our ideas by tradition.

But anyone can create a new world. It’s all in your imagination.

Let’s imagine you are going to be making a presentation about handling a large University property account.

You believe that you will have a good chance of winning the business if you really know what the client is thinking so that you can handle any objections. So you decide to use a prop that ensures the buyers WILL tell you what they are thinking.

You give the panel gavels that they can bang down whenever they have an objection or question.

You say to them, “You be the judge, if you have an objection or question, bang the gavel!”

* You get a clear signal that you have to communicate better or more or prove what you are saying.
* The audience don’t feel embarrassed about asking.
* They get a clear understanding and banish their doubts.
* They enjoy the process.
* They buy.

You can probably think of a hundred different analogies you can use in your law firm like this.

You don’t have to use all the ideas, (pick the best,) but the more you have, the better those you choose to implement.

Here's an example.

Imagine if all estate agents in your town would give a free will to all buyers and sellers written by your firm.

This free will is offered when the buyer/seller gets a conveyancing quote from you.

It’s promoted in every advert that the estate agent places and in every communication with buyers/sellers.

The solicitor gets more conveyancing, gets a relationship with the buyer/seller, sells more family law services via a marketing sequence and gets publicity paid for by the estate agent.

The Estate Agent gives extra value to potential clients.

All the solicitor does is provide the marketing materials to the estate agent. (Got to do some work you know).

Remember your imagination needs nourishment. Stand back once in a while from your day to day work.

Here’s another way to come up with ideas.

Check out this page

Do you know Einstein imagined what it would feel like to be a light particle travelling through space? He came up with the theory of relativity based on his feelings and imagination.

PS, I’ve mentioned it before. Michael Michalko’s Book “Thinkertoys”
is a book that helps feed the imagination.
If you have children or an enquiring mind you will love iit.


Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Solicitors - Have You Protected Your Relationship with Agents?

Some people are worried about
Tesco Law and the Co-op stealing
business away.

But there's probably a different threat.


You see a company is signing up estate agents in your area
and getting their conveyancing leads. They might
only be at 2.5% of the English market but I expect
that to rise.

What are you doing to protect your leads from Estate
Agents and mortgage brokers. Are you complacent?
Do you know enough about what
your agents want? Are you proactive?

Could you outsource your conveyancing to this growing firm?

Find out what commercial director of said
when I interviewed him earlier this week.

Here's the interview


Monday, 9 August 2010

Niches for Solicitors - Can you exploit yours?

It's always great to see a law firm
targeting a niche and understanding
that the more you give the more you get.

Take a look at this lawyer in the US.

He focuses on care home negligence.

One of the specialities he has is
bed sore claims.

This web site is a fantastically detailed resource
for anyone that wants to know about bedsores.

Who are you going to use to make your
claim if you have a relative that has suffered
from bedsores?

Someone that knows their stuff or an amateur?

If I were a civil litigation solicitor or personal
injury solicitor I'd be tempted to register and do the same with a UK

And I'd be looking at niches you can exploit because
if you have two clients of any one kind, i.e. charities,
schools, Supremely affluents etc then you
can create your own legitimate niche.

As Shaw Taylor (Police 5) said..

"Keep 'em peeled".


Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Solicitors market to the theatre of the mind...

I love it when someone ACTS.

Not as in the thespian way, but in the
genius way.

Remember I talked about I-Sold (Tesco)
using handwritten postcards to target
house sellers?

(It's here)

One of the Great Legal Members
didn't do what I suggested (try the same
for conveyancing) but did do an alternative.

He's selling Wills by recognising that the
house seller is having a major life-change
and it's a good time to get a new/updated will.

Do you systematically market to people undergoing
major life changes?
Things like;marriage, divorce, kids, buying a house,
retirement, selling a business etc.

Most people are going through these at any one time.

So there's the opportunity to enter their "theatre of the mind".

This means that you enter the conversation that is
already going on in their heads.

It's much easier than butting in where you are not welcome.
Just make sure it's a laser targeted headline or
selling phrase you use when you engage them
by email on the phone.

It still amazes me that solicitors don't bundle a Will
with conveyancing EVERY TIME.

But maybe you do?