Wednesday 4 August 2010

Solicitors market to the theatre of the mind...

I love it when someone ACTS.

Not as in the thespian way, but in the
genius way.

Remember I talked about I-Sold (Tesco)
using handwritten postcards to target
house sellers?

(It's here)

One of the Great Legal Members
didn't do what I suggested (try the same
for conveyancing) but did do an alternative.

He's selling Wills by recognising that the
house seller is having a major life-change
and it's a good time to get a new/updated will.

Do you systematically market to people undergoing
major life changes?
Things like;marriage, divorce, kids, buying a house,
retirement, selling a business etc.

Most people are going through these at any one time.

So there's the opportunity to enter their "theatre of the mind".

This means that you enter the conversation that is
already going on in their heads.

It's much easier than butting in where you are not welcome.
Just make sure it's a laser targeted headline or
selling phrase you use when you engage them
by email on the phone.

It still amazes me that solicitors don't bundle a Will
with conveyancing EVERY TIME.

But maybe you do?